Music Man

Music Man Dirty Strings

Size 50.4 MB
Samples 13
Formats WAV, Esx24, Reason Refills, Midi, Konakt, Decent Sampler, Sforzando,
Tags Instrument Loops Melody Compositions
Genre Instrument
Label Music Man
Release 2 years ago


Music Man Dirty Strings a simple string syth. Recorded and edited the files in Ableton. The keys were sampled with every fourth key from C0 – C5. The formats included : SFZ Decent Sampler Reason NNXT Kontakt File Count : 13 dirty_strings c2.wav dirty_strings c3.wav dirty_strings c4.wav dirty_strings c5.wav dirty_strings c6.wav dirty_strings e2.wav dirty_strings e3.wav dirty_strings e4.wav dirty_strings e5.wav dirty_strings g#2.wav dirty_strings g#3.wav dirty_strings g#4.wav dirty_strings g#5.wav
