Music Man

Music Man Moogish

Size 22.57 MB
Samples 16
Formats WAV, Esx24, Reason Refills, Midi, Konakt, Decent Sampler, Sforzando,
Tags Instrument Loops Samples Compositions
Genre Instrument
Label Music Man
Release 2 years ago


Music Man Moogish A synth instrument that is warm in the mid frequencies and clean trumpet highs. Recorded and edited in Ableton Live. The keys were sampled with every fourth key from C0 – C5. for multi instrument. The formats included : SFZ Decent Sampler Reason NNXT Kontakt Esx24 File Count : 16 moogish_01.wav moogish_02.wav moogish_03.wav moogish_04.wav moogish_05.wav moogish_06.wav moogish_07.wav moogish_08.wav moogish_09.wav moogish_10.wav moogish_11.wav moogish_12.wav moogish_13.wav moogish_14.wav moogish_15.wav moogish_16.wav
